
Tue, Feb 8, 2022 2-minute read

What I resolved to do

  1. I was mistaken by a notion that I can make a success without committing hard to something to achieve. Everyone who succeeded has been tremendously doing hard to commit the goal, and I should do the same. No hard work, no gain. No excuse, and no escape.
  2. Probably even when I try to do something very hard, I should be able to care about others. That’s the generosity, which is more important than anything else before succeeding.
  3. It is no surprise that I failed to do the final exam because I did not fully committed to that, and I shouldn’t blame for anything else than my act. I have full capacity to devote on the study, and it is going to be my fun. Keep up the greatest work.
  4. Do not be miserable when doing not good. Like an athlete, I should look up and always move forward. Nothing will end when I make a mistake, but if I give up continuing an effort, everything will collapse.
  5. During the semesters, I will review everything I learned after each class. I realized that it is almost impossible that I will understand and remember at the moment of the class such an advanced subject such as Einstein’s special relativity. Additionally it is better from the perspective of efficiency and effectiveness.